Chongqing, China

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The distance of a single trip is within 200KM, the load speed is within 100KM/H, and the fixed-load tugboat is in the middle and long distance of high-speed or first-class highway.

  • Longitudinal zigzag design

Longitudinal zigzag pattern design is conducive to high-speed running of the tire,improving the grip, driving force and braking performance of the tire;

  • Good traction performance and slip resistance

The combination of the zigzag main groove and the transverse steel sheet can increase the traction force and slip resistance;

  • Durable using life, high wear-resistant

The deepened pattern design and the new contour curve design ensure that the tire is more stable during use. Plus wear-resistant.

Size PR Load Index Speed Diameter(mm) S.W/mm T.D/mm Rim Single Load/Pressure Dual Load/Pressure
12R22.5 18PR 152/149 J 1087 300 19.5 9.00 3550/930 3250/930

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WYNSTAR Tire Certification

Area B, Shuangqiao Industry Park, Shuangqiao District, Chongqing

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WYNSTAR Tire Catalog 2023-2024
